Beer #56 - W/C 21 March 2016
Back in the 1970's, the Hürlimann Brewery had a way with yeast. In fact, 5 generations of Hürlimann brewers had passed down knowledge, with Albert Hürlimann becoming a world leader in the scientific study of yeast. In 1979, Samichlaus was brewed with a strain of yeast designed to ferment at higher alcohol levels. The beer became the strongest in the world and caused quite a stir in the beer community. This was a time before Brew Dog started cheating by freeze distilling beers to increase strength. In 1997 the brewery closed its doors after 161 years in business. Fortunately for us, in 2000 Austrian brewery Schloss Eggenberg teamed up with the original Hürlimann brewers (and their special yeast strain) to revive the unique lager beer Samichlaus. Schloss Eggenberg is an actual castle and the oldest family owned brewery in Austria. Beer has been brewed there since at least 999 A.D and commercially since 1681.
Samichlaus, Santa Claus in Swiss German, is brewed just once a year, on December 6- St. Nicholas' Day and is then stored (or lagered) for 10 months before release. This very special beer has a lot of devoted fans including beer legend Michael Jackson. Samichlaus is a very sophisticated beer and designed to be savoured. There is a very big aroma and you may detect sweet caramel, fruit cake and vanilla. Flavour is more malty sweetness with prune and dark chocolate notes with a touch or port and perhaps fresh cigar smoke. The warmth is an indicator of the 14% ABV and a reminder that this beer is better sipped than gulped. The beer in your hand was bottled in 2014 meaning it is now 2 years, 3 months and 18 days old. It will continue to improve with age.
BREWERY // Schloss Eggenberg
BEER // Samichlaus Classic
STYLE // Doppelbock
ORIGIN // Vorchdorf, Austria
ABV // 14%
TEMPERATURE // Cupboard temperature. Around 14C
FOOD MATCH // Very Rich Chocolate Pudding.
GLASS // Snifter
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