Beer #3 - Texas Ranger / Mikkeller

 Beer #3 - W/C 16 March 2015

"Craft beer to me is making the best possible drink with the best available ingredients, and that idea is not going to go out of fashion" Mikkel Borg Bjergsø

Mikkel Borg Bjergsø is a brewer without a brewery- the original gypsy brewer. Mikkeller beers all begin as ideas in Bjergsø's mind. He designs beers which are then made by experts at breweries around the world. He doesn't deal with machine maintenance or workers and gets to spend his time drinking and thinking. This means that Mikkeller can be prolific in releases- in 2013 they released 124 different beers... 


A Chipotle Porter might sound as appealing as a Marmite Lager to many drinkers. You might just be surprised by this beautifully executed and well balanced beer though. Rather than adding chilli heat, the smoked chipotle peppers subtly complement the rich dark chocolate and espresso flavours of the porter. More a tingle than a burn. This smooth, bold porter is an example of what a beer can be and will make that bottle of Heineken in the fridge feel ashamed of itself.

BREWERY // Mikkeller
BEER // Texas Ranger
STYLE // Chipotle Porter
ORIGIN // Denmark
ABV // 6.6%
MALT // Marris Otter Pale, Smoked, Chocolate, Cara-crystal, Brown
HOPS // Simcoe, Northern Brewer

TEMPERATURE // Cool - 8-12C
FOOD MATCH // Barbecue, Beef Stew, Cheddar Cheese on Toast