BREWERY // It all began with Michael Jackson. The beer critic's 1980s documentary TV Series 'The Beer Hunter' saw Jackson travel the world seeking out wonderful beers and it had a lasting effect on a teenaged Matt Houghton watching in Australia. Years later, Matt set out to follow in the Beer Hunter's footsteps to hallowed beer locales including Brugge, Boulder, Bavaria and Britain. Upon returning home, his dismay at the appallingly limited local beers available led him to take his homebrewing to the next level by enrolling in university to study brewing. After several years of studying then contract brewing, Matt and his wife Andrea took over a Melbourne building, pieced together brewing equipment from around the world and set up Australia's first barrelroom & cellar door in 2012. Since then Boatrocker has delighted drinkers and competition judges alike with their wide range of innovative beers (and recently, spirits) whether they be wild fermented, barrel-aged, packed with hops or lagered.
BEER // Faith sees Boatrocker showcase the classic elegance of the Belgian Tripel. Tripels are a style that highlight yeast character and let it shine. This iconic style starts out with the base of a strong golden ale featuring a simple malt bill. Complexity is introduced through the addition of candi sugar which is often made in house by the brewery which adds fermentable sugars for alcohol and a layered, lingering sweetness, Tripels gain their predominant flavors from warmer fermentations with Belgian yeasts. You can expect complex notes of orange citrus, subdued banana, spice, with floral hops. Faith is golden in colour with a viscous booziness. This beer is laden with spiced honey blossom malt character, subtle spice and pepper, restrained hop notes and a dollop of alcohol sweetness, this is rounded out by a surprisingly dry and moreish finish.
BREWERY // Boatrocker
BEER // Faith
STYLE // Tripel
ORIGIN // Melbourne
ABV // 9.2%
TEMPERATURE // Cool - 7-10 degrees.
VESSEL // Goblet, Chalice, Tulip