Beer #296 - 8 Wired / Double Scoop

Beer #296 - W/C 19 October 2020

BREWERY // 8 Wired began on Christmas day when Søren Eriksen's future wife, Monique, gave him the gift of a Coopers malt extract brew kit. A few successful home-brews later, he decided to jack in his career in biochemistry and landed a job at at a brewery. A few years later they created a brewery of their own in beautiful Warkwork. A wide range of traditional and innovative styles are being constantly released by 8 Wired and their barrel ageing programme is one of the largest in our hemisphere with 7 huge foedres and hundreds of wooden barrels. They recently opened a brewpub & distillery in Matakana - 8 Wired Barrelworks - which is a must-visit destination.

BEER // Stouts make the perfect base to add additional flavours too. Historically stouts had rich roasty flavours from the dark malts. In 1800s Britain 'Milk Stouts' became popular working class drinkers. Originally made with milk but later with just lactose (sugar from milk) which is the only non-fermentable sugar meaning the sweetness remains. After a century out in the cold, brewers are once again embracing lactose as a beer ingredient in brews aimed at those with a sweet tooth. The term 'Pastry Stout' was invented by beer blog Don't Drink Beer as a sardonic catch-all to encompass the trend for beers that take inspitation from chocolate bars, milkshakes, cake and other sweet treats. Double Scoop is the first in a series of pastry stouts from 8 Wired and it does what it says on the tin - tastes like a raspberry chocolate brownie. As well as lactose, the addition of vanilla gives an added impression of sweetness. The full, round body makes a good base for the rich dessert flavours and the raspberry provides a suggestion of fresh tart fruit which stops the beer from being too cloying.

BREWERY // 8 Wired
BEER // Double Scoop #1
STYLE // Pastry Stout
ORIGIN // Warkworth
ABV //  4%
TEMPERATURE // Cellar Temperature - 10-12C
FOOD MATCH // Mushroom Stroganoff. Mole Fajitas. Stilton, Figs & Crackers.
VESSEL // Snifter, Tulip, Wine Glass