Beer #110 - Victory / Golden Monkey

Beer #110 - W/C 3 April 2017

BREWERY // The story of Victory is one of friendship. Ron Barchet and Bill Covaleski met on the school bus in 1973 on the first day of fifth grade. The boys became fast friends even as they moved to study on opposite coasts of the USA. Bill became interested in home brewing after his father introduced him to the craft. When he gave Ron a home-brew kit for Christmas 1985 they began a friendly beer making rivalry. Over the next decade Bill and Ron worked as brewers in the US and both studied brewing in Germany. They finally opened Victory Brewing in Pennsylvania in 1996. Their beers combine European tradition and ingredients with New World American creativity.

A Pennsylvania take on a classic Belgian Tripel. The name Tripel comes from the strength- three times the amount of malt is used to make for a much stronger beer than the house style. The style is closely associated with Westmalle and other Trappist breweries in Belgium. Golden Monkey is a smooth, full-bodied example of the style that belies it's 9.5% abv. As with all Tripels, the hero is the yeast with lots of spicy banana, clove, dried-fruit esters which are complimented by the coriander and floral hops. It's a rich and complex beer to be savoured which changes in flavour as it warms. 
This beer is conditioned so avoid pouring the last dregs of yeast residue into your glass. Unless you're into that sort of thing. Give it a lively pour for a big, fluffy head.

Golden Monkey
Downingtown, Pennsylvania
ABV //
HOPS // 
Tettnang Tettnang, Tettnang Mittelfrueh
MALT // 
Pilsner, Dextrose
Cold 5-8C
Tangerines. Sheeps Cheese. Cerviche. Pesto Pasta.
Trappist Glass. Tulip